C, D, and E Form Charts for Guitar

Besides the key of G, the keys and forms of C, D, and E are commonly used on the guitar. All three keys utilize open strings and resonant chords.

Becoming fluent in numbers in a new key takes dedication to practicing just one key and form at a time. The key of C (C, F, G, and Am) is physically the easiest to practice numbers in first. All the below charts can be played in C and utilizing a capo.

Start here. These charts all can be played with 1, 4, 5, and 6m in C. Utilizing a capo, we can not only play songs in the key of C, but in Db, D, Eb, E, F, and F#/Gb. Once the key of C is mastered in numbers, the keys of D and E can be worked through with many of these same charts. If a certain form is ideal or particularly utilized on a chart, this will be noted. 

These charts all can be played with 1, 2m, 4, 5, and 6m in C. Utilizing a capo, we can not only play songs in the key of C, but in Db, D, Eb, E, F, and F#/Gb. Once the key of C is mastered in numbers, the keys of D and E can be worked through with many these same charts. If a certain form is ideal or particularly utilized on a chart, this will be noted. 

These charts are advanced and should be attempted only after you've played many 4 and 5 chord charts from the above links. These charts utilize not only 1, 2m, 3m, 4, 5, and 6m chords, but non-diatonic chords like 2, 3, 4m, 5m, b3, b6, b7, etc. If a certain form is ideal or particularly utilized on a chart, this will be noted (because these charts often have more autonomous and contextual chords, they often are in a specific form).